Bid Index — RickyOfKokiriThon
Total: $9,159.18 — Choice Total: $4,219.18 — Challenge Total: $4,940.00

← ZSRMarathon 2021
Event List
Name Run Description Amount Goal
Post Event Blind TWWR Restreamer Race RickyOfKokiriThon Restreamers will hold a blind TWWR Race the next week $1,500.00 $1,500.00
TreZ Kazoo Concert for Finale RickyOfKokiriThon You know you want this. And tears. And joy. And everything $600.00 $600.00
Disable Sword ALTTP Randomizer Swords are for weaklings $150.00 $150.00
True Ending TUNIC Everyone needs a true ending $150.00 $150.00
Untranslate All Hints TUNIC Untranslate all the hints, make it harder $150.00 $100.00
Swordless Zelda One Z1 is not hard enough? Make it Swordless $250.00 $250.00
Daaanty Sprite SMZ3R Choose Daaanty's sprites! $110.00 (None)
relkin Sprites SMZ3R Choose relkin's sprites! $45.00 (None)
Add All Dungeons ALTTP Randomizer Add All Dungeons to the Crowd Control Run $0.00 $1,200.00
Add Full Boss Enemizer ALTTP Randomizer Add Full Boss Enemizer to the Crowd Control Run $0.00 $1,100.00
Bonus Run ALTTP Randomizer Unlock the most specialest Bonus Run any marathon has ever gotten....and make the runner suffer ;) Reached if we reach a $1000 dollar event total $0.00 $1,000.00
Bug Net Agha ALTTP Randomizer Bug Net Agha $365.00 $269.00
Enable City in the Sky Twilight Princess Enforce City in the Sky - best dungeon $140.00 $100.00
Force All Dungeons Twilight Princess Force a full all dungeons run $280.00 $250.00
Add Dungeon Entrance Rando OoT Randomizer Dungeon Entrance Randomization $100.00 $100.00
Add Grotto ER OoT Randomizer Randomize the Grotto Entrances $50.00 $50.00
Add Interior ER OoT Randomizer Randomize all the interior entrances $100.00 $100.00
Alaszun is not allowed to hate on Forest Temple OoT Randomizer No Forest Temple Hate from Alaszun. $250.00 $250.00
Make it ADKeys ALTTP Randomizer Make the Seed All Dungeons Keysanity $235.00 $150.00
Make it All Dungeons ALTTP Randomizer Force the run to do all dungeons $160.00 $150.00
Must collect all shields ALTTP Randomizer Force the runner to get all the shields. Laser Bridge Baby $150.00 $150.00
OoT/MM: Additional Setting ZOOTR/MMR Add another setting to the randomizer seed: Enemy Souls or Boss Souls $1,490.00 (None)
Choose the category A Link to the Past What category will it be? Any%? 100%? Or Low%? $717.00 (None)
FIle Name Bid War A Link to the Past Choose a file name (1 / 4 / 4) $180.00 (None)
Extreme HP Reduction (2/6) Zelda II Reduce the max HP amount even 2/6 $150.00 $150.00
Max HP Reduction (3/7) Zelda II Reduce the max HP amount to 3/7 $160.00 $150.00
Sprite Choice ALTTP Randomizer Choose the Sprite for the run $601.18 (None)
Triforce Piece Sprite ALTTP Randomizer Choose the sprite for the Triforce pieces. Available options: Big Key Chicken Corn Fish Flag of Scotland KEKW Lamp Mirror Mirror Shield Moon Pearl Mushroom Sword $365.00 (None)
Choose the Oracle Oracles Will it be Oracle of Ages? Or Seasons? $560.00 (None)
File Name Oracles Choose the Filename for the final run of the marathon $151.00 (None)

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, jdeng, and TreZc0_
CSS by Cool Matty & TreZc0_